The Industries Leading Accredited Instructors Courses
- Up-skill your own knowledge by learning more about sports science, administration, marketing and business in our instructor courses.
- Use these courses as part of your own instructor's development program.
- Get your own team ready to open up branches for you on course completion
- Start anytime from anywhere and complete in your own time.
- Select any level to start which suit your personal needs right now.
For Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo and every other style
AMACS Making It Easier TO Gain A Higher Martial Arts Qualification
Become the instructor full package with access to the Judging & Officiating course and Level 1+2+3 of AMACS
With the calibre of martial arts masters & fitness guru's we have in AMACS its no surprise the level of experience exceeds most other martial arts based universities. Check out our master instructors on the Master page
Throughout the past 11 years, we have acquired content from the greatest martial arts leaders to form effective and time worthy courses for instructors, judges and self-defence trainers.
With hundreds of tenured and visiting faculty members, you can be sure that you're getting the very best online classroom instruction. Our faculty draws from an extensive knowledge and experience based to contribute to these courses.
Struggling to find time and the right material to train your instructors?
Our instructors courses are designed to take the pressure off school owners because we train your instructors for you. Your assistant instructors are trained to do the job, part of their assessment is to design a class plan and delivery it along with completing the theory units.
This means when they graduate they are appropriate prepared to build your business and give you more time.
We also include free ongoing support (resources & webinars) for graduates to keep them engaged in your club.
Most Popular Course
AMACS Level 1
AMACS Version 1, is not designed at educating experienced instructors who have high level existing qualifications (Cert IV / Diplomas etc – Coaching / Fitness).
This is not to say they wouldn’t get any value out of the course content but it’s not really required.
Our focus is for students coming through the ranks (team leaders / assistant instructors through to seniors). We feel this is especially helpful for Chief Instructors / School Owners who are starting out who need knowledge in a broad range of areas to better coach and manage their business.
- Together with MAA (Martial Arts Australia) We have seen a need for those instructors who have been teaching for a long time, and are now wanting to obtain an industry recognised martial arts specific qualification.
- AMACS provides for these instructors to do just that and whilst not take up too much of their valuable time in the process, especially with the three levels being offered.
- There is no restriction on which level a person wants to enrol in first, it is up them which content modules appeal to them the most.
- They have been developed by Martial Arts Industry professionals and peak bodies
- They provide you with an engaging and modern learning experience to easily absorb the content
- Have the same course content (Levels 1-3) used by our previous RTO delivering Cert III Sports & Recreation Qualification
- They are delivered online so students can enrol anytime and from any location
They are endorsed by Peak Industry Body
Martial Arts Australia &
International Martial Arts Coaching Council
- Course developers have extensive martial arts coaching and business experience.
- Are leaders in their field
- They come from a variety of martial arts styles and business backgrounds
- The developers have created their own courses in the past and included elements from them
- They have worked in a number of registered training organisations
AMACS courses are deemed the most appropriate for instructors either starting out or wanting to take their school to the next level.
These courses have been selected by the board based on number of enrolments, success rate and post graduation results
Focus on Risk management, Class Planning & Delivery
Focus on Facilitating Groups, Emergency Situations & Classes.
This is the foundation of evaluating competitors in the general sense.
Provides the responsive framework to agression and or violence.
Check out our full range of courses on the courses page or head straight to the portal at Martial Arts Universities
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